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Love is back in the air and we are here to make sure everyone feels it with the Onga Food 4 Bae challenge! As usual, the challenge is simple, create an Instagram Reel video not longer than one (1) minute that showcases food ingredients, any Onga Powder variant and transforms into an already prepared meal on a table set for valentine dinner. Share your video on Instagram with the hashtag #OngaFood4Bae3 and tag us. 

3 of the most creative Instagram Reels win our 2022 Onga Food 4 Bae valentine experience which is an all-expense paid dinner for 2, 3 months supply of Onga and loads of Onga goodies.


How To Enter:


  1. To enter, participants are to create an Instagram reel video not longer than one (1) minute that showcases food ingredients before preparation, zoom into any pack of Onga Powder, and transforms into an already prepared meal on a table set for valentine dinner.
  1. Videos should be uploaded on Instagram with the hashtag #ONGAFood4Bae3 in the caption and tag @Onga_Nigeria.
  1. All eligible entries will be judged by an independent internal panel on the following criteria: creativity, neatness, originality, and use of Onga Powder.
  1. The contest runs from 12th - 25th February 2022
  1. Only 3 of the best entries stand to win. Prizes include an all-expense paid dinner date for 2
  1. To participate, entrants must be a Lagos resident or must be willing to come to Lagos with their partners if they emerge winners. No cash alternative to the prizes will be offered. The prizes are not transferable. 
  1. The contest ends at 7:00 pm on February 25, 2022.


Other Terms & Conditions:


  1. Promasidor shall not be liable for any injury that may be occasioned by reason of your participation in this contest. This shall include, but not be limited to physical injuries or accident(s) occurring while participating in the contest;
  1. Promasidor is at liberty to use any of your still images, videos, and personal information in its corporate and marketing publications and advertisements (on social media or otherwise) and with respect to any of its brands whether or not you win the contest.
  1. The decision of Promasidor on all matters relating to or in connection with this contest (including the selection of the winners in the event of a tie) will be final and binding on all parties concerned.
  1. The winners will be announced on ONGA NIGERIA social media pages and all further communication will be done through direct messages.
  1. No single fan can win twice in the contest


READ complete Terms & Conditions HERE


By participating in this contest, we assume that you have read and understood the terms & conditions of the contest.